Recruitment of Non Teaching (B-Class and C-Class) Posts of GNDU.

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Opening Date for online submission of online application form     
Last Date for online submission of application     
Last Date to Print and Submit Hardcopy of Application Form at University (along with other documents)      
Application fees (Non Refundable)
For SC/ST/PWD (of Punjab Domicile only) Fee : Rs. 400, GST (@ 18 %) : Rs. 72 Total : Rs. 472.
For others Fee : Rs. 800, GST (@ 18 %) : Rs. 144. Total : Rs. 944.
Kindly Note that there is only one payment mode i.e. Online. So kindly keep your ATM/Debit/Credit Card etc. ready with you.
In case of any technical problem, candidates may send an email at : or call at university phone 0183-2258802-09, 0183-2450601-12 Extension 3099 (for general enquiry), 3182 (for technical equiry)

How to apply (Step-by-Step procedure)

Before starting to fill up the on-line application form, candidate should keep the following details/documents ready :
    a. Personal details including Date of Birth and Nationality
    b. Mobile Number
    c. Valid and Working Email ID
    d. Reservation Category Details
    e. Percentage of your Educational Qualification starting from Matriculation examinations onwards. (Please calculate percentage from CGPA/OGPA in advance).
    f. Scanned Photograph and Signatures.
    g. Experience certificate/details if any.

Procedure to apply online:

 Go to university web site and click at link @Jobs available at the top of the home page. (or click here) On the page displayed, click on "Online Application Form Submission for Recruitment of Non-Teaching Posts : Advertisement No. and proceed for following steps to submit the application for recruitment of Non-teaching posts. The candidates must read the instructions and procedure (How to apply) very carefully before proceeding for online application form submission.

Step-1 Registration Process :

Click on "Registration " link and proceed for completing the following three steps of registration process.
            Step 1.1. Fill Basic Details including marital status, present pay  or pension if any, etc.
            Step 1.2. Upload Photo and Signature.
            Step 1.3. Fill academic details.
The registration process will be considered completed only after successful completion of above mentioned three steps (1.1, 1.2 & 1.3).  After successful registration, a unique Registration ID will be issued to every candidate and same will be used as Login ID for futher steps. Candidate may get registeration page printed for his/her future reference.
Note:  Only registered candidates will be able to apply for job. A candidate needs to register only once even if he/she wishes to apply for more than one post/station/department etc. But,  a candidate can apply for one post in one category only.

Step-2. Login and Apply for a Job :

After successful registration, candidate will login (using Login ID and Password, already created during registration process) and will click on "Apply for Job" link to Apply for Job. After clicking at "Apply for Job", candidate will select category, and post to be applied. Fee to be deposited will be shown along with GST. Candidate will deposit the requisite fee online. Last Date to apply online is

Step-3. Print Applicaiton Form :

 After successful payment of application fee, candidate will be able to print the form. Candidate will get the form printed  (fee payment details will also be printed on the form)

Step-4. Submit printed copy of form ((along with other documents) at University :

As per instructions, one copy of printed application form is required to be submitted to The  Registrar, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, along with other testimonials (like attested copies of all the certificiates (DMC, Degree), Experience Certificate (if any), Category certificate (if applicable) University copy of bank fee slip etc.), personally or by post /courier till up to 4:30 PM, and second copy of printed application form is for candidate's personal record.

Important Note :

Reservation Policy for direct recruitment will be followed as per instructions issued by the Govt. of Punjab and adopted by this university. The benefits of reservation policy will be given to the domicile of Punjab State only . The SC/ST/BC/PWD, etc candidates are required to attach the relevant certificate issued by the competent authority as a proof of claiming the reserve category as made in the online application form along with the hard copy of the online application form to be submitted to the Registrar, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143005 (Punjab).